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22 Décembre 2024 à 20:00:37 *
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Auteur Fil de discussion: [A Vendre] SAMSUNG SyncMaster T240 24"  (Lu 3562 fois)
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Messages: 751

Fallait pas chercher Gaya ...

« le: 19 Décembre 2008 à 15:21:21 »

Dear All,

is anyone interested: ?

I have purchased this monitor two weeks ago, actually brand-new and it is currently at the top of toppreise rating.

Unfortunately I just do not like it ;=(   It has no particular problems except one dead pixel which I can hardly find now, but I feel I need something else.

I paid about CHF 560, I am ready to offer it for CHF 350.

Let me know if you want it.

Thanks and regards,

Andrey Rozov


Gaya va nous en foutre plein la g..... !
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